Match the questions to the answers.

C. Match the questions to the answers.

___ 1. Do you walk home from class?                              a. Yes. And we text a few times a week.

___ 2. Do you often go swimming in the summer?           b. Yes, I am. I'm in the library.

___ 3. What are you buying?                                            c. A pair of jeans and a shirt.

___ 4. Do you call your parents every week?                    d. Sometimes, but I usually take the bus.

___ 5. What do you do?                                                   e. Yes, I do. I live close to the beach.

___ 6. Are you studying right now?                                  f. No, I'm not.

___ 7. Are you watching the basketball game on TV?       g. I'm a student.

Câu trả lời:

_d_ 1. Do you walk home from class?                             d. Sometimes, but I usually take the bus.

_e_ 2. Do you often go swimming in the summer?          e. Yes, I do. I live close to the beach.

_c_ 3. What are you buying?                                            c. A pair of jeans and a shirt.

_a_ 4. Do you call your parents every week?                    a. Yes. And we text a few times a week.

_g_ 5. What do you do?                                                   g. I'm a student.

_b_ 6. Are you studying right now?                                 b. Yes, I am. I'm in the library.

_f_ 7. Are you watching the basketball game on TV?       f. No, I'm not.

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