Read the article. Match the sentences parts.

A. Read the article. Match the sentences parts.

___ 1. Rapa Nui is also called                            a. white coral and stones.

___ 2. Moai are the                                             b. volcanic rock.

___ 3. The people on Rapa Nui came from        c. Polynesia.

___ 4. The eyes were made from                       d. Easter Island.

___ 5. The statues were made of                       e. statues walked.

___ 6. Rapanui legend says the                          f. statues.

Câu trả lời:

_d_ 1. Rapa Nui is also called                            d. Easter Island.

_f_ 2. Moai are the                                             f. statues.

_c_ 3. The people on Rapa Nui came from         c. Polynesia.

_a_ 4. The eyes were made from                       a. white coral and stones.

_b_ 5. The statues were made of                       b. volcanic rock.

_e_ 6. Rapanui legend says the                          e. statues walked.

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