The most important things students can do to prevent global warming:
- Turn off the lights.
- Close doors immediately so heat does not escape.
- Take short showers.
- Walk or bike if you can (instead of having your parents drive you).
- Turn off your computer when not in use (don't leave it on just to keep Facebook or Myspace active).
- Replace incandescent with fluorescent lights. (This saves a lot of money!)
- Ask your parents not to leave the car running needlessly, for example, when waiting to pick you up at school.
- Recycle (this saves energy in manufacturing).
- Run the dishwasher and other appliances on energy saver mode.
- Keep the house at 68°F or less. And make sure the heat goes off at night and when everyone is away.
- Start a conservation club at school to raise awareness. Get your fellow students and teachers on board to have the school reduce energy consumption.