Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 sách Friends Global 1E. Word Skills Unit 1: Feelings

Giải toàn bộ câu hỏi và bài tập trong sách bài tập Tiếng anh 10 bộ sách Friends Global. Ở đây có lời giải cụ thể, trình bày chi tiết để các em tham khảo. Mong rằng sẽ đồng hành cùng các em học tốt môn tiếng anh 10 này.

Trả lời: 1. Playing volleyball is fun, but it’s tiring.2. This new computer game is amazing!3. I was astonished that we won the dance competition.4. ‘I fell off my chair in the middle of a lesson.’ ‘How embarrassing!’5. My grandma’s stories are always interesting.6. I read a...
Trả lời: A Long Way HomeSaroo was born in Madhya Pradesh in India. His family were very poor, so when Saroo was just five, he and his brother Guddu found work on trains as cleaners. The job was very (1) tiring (tire) and ONE DAY Saroo fell asleep at the station.He was so (2) ...
Trả lời: 1. ‘This milk has got black bits in it.’ ‘How disgusting!’2. We all cried at the end of the film - it was so moving!3. I enjoyed the book, but I was confused about the ending. It didn’t make sense.4. I love watching football, it’s so exciting!5. I felt frightened ...
Trả lời: 1. Verb: relax Example: I want to relax because I’m tired.2. -ed adjective: relaxed Example: I feel relaxed when I read books and drink coffee. 3. -ing adjective: relaxingExample: Walking is very relaxing and joyful.4. noun: relaxation Example: Yoga...
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Giải SBT tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

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