Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 10 sách Friends Global 6G. Speaking Unit 6: Money

Giải toàn bộ câu hỏi và bài tập trong sách bài tập Tiếng anh 10 bộ sách Friends Global. Ở đây có lời giải cụ thể, trình bày chi tiết để các em tham khảo. Mong rằng sẽ đồng hành cùng các em học tốt môn tiếng anh 10 này.

Trả lời: A. Structuring your speechFirst of all, we need to decide / examine / look at / ask ourselves … I’d like to start by saying / looking at … Now I’d like to move on to …: Now let’s look at / move on to (the question of) … I’ll begin with … This leads to my next pointB....
Trả lời: I'd like to start by looking at my school. It’s clear that the school doesn't have much money. There are a number of reasons why I say that. First of all, we don't have enough computers, and the ones we have are rather old. Secondly, there aren't many books in the library. And thirdly, the...
Trả lời: I'd like to start by looking at There are a number of reasons why I say that. First of all,…Secondly,… And thirdly,…The main reason why I feel this way is…In conclusion,…
Trả lời: Describe one photo: Picture 1many people.outdoor volunteer work.wearing special clothes.Compare it with the other: Picture 1 and Picture 2sit on the bus.not much interaction.seeing views on the street. Answer to question: ‘Only schools with a lot of money have good...
Trả lời: 1. Describe one photo.As you can see in the picture there are many students. They are enjoying outdoor activities. I guess they are doing volunteer work near the sea because they are wearing special clothes and using special equipment. The mountains and beach can be seen in the background.2....
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Giải SBT tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global

Đia chỉ: Tòa nhà TH Office, 90 Khuất Duy Tiến, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội
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